To Become ASIA’s Leading University Science Park Utilizing University Resources for Business Innovation and Total Value Creation in 2027.

RESEARCH UTILIZATION Promote and provide research utilization platform to drive university's research and resources to commercialization.
SOLUTION PROVIDER Respond to public, government and social needs by applying knowledge, research, and technology to assist in the development of business/ community.
INCUBATOR Create startup ecosytem to drive innovative businesses, on the basis of creativity and technology, by utilizing university's resources.
OPEN INNOVATION Focus on cultivating alliances and collaboration with both domestic and international associations with a concept of open innovation.
INFRASTRUCTURE Focus on infrastructures development for innovation at Asia's leading standard.

Core Values
Make Innovation Simple
STeP's Approaches

Organization Chart

Northern Science Park (NSP)

Science and Technology Park, Chiang Mai University (STeP) is the headquarter of Northern Science Park (NSP), working in collaboration with 13 other universities in Northern region of Thailand (Maejo University, Mae Fah Luang University, University of Phayao, Naresuan University, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Uttaradit Rajabhat University,Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Lampang Rajabhat University, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, Phetchabun Rajabhat University, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna). NSP offers total innovation solutions for enterprises by using science and technology resources from these 14 universities. NSP also provides a smart launchpad for tech startups and incubation programs. The NSP building is fully equipped with facilities for innovative business development and supportive innovation ecosystem.

Since 2018, NSP Building has been used for Total Innovation Solutions (TIS) services, which are
1) Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Service
-Database of research, researchers, laboratories, and research equipment of RSP network universities
-Laboratories which are The Brick Fabrication Lab (FABLAB), Agriculture and Bio Plasma Technology Center (ABPlas), Center of Ion Beam Materials Development and Optical Analysis (CIMO), and NSP Central Laboratory
-Technology pilot plants, which are Radio Frequency Technology Pilot Plant (RF) and Innovative Food Fabrication Pilot Plant (FOODFABR)
2) Tech startups incubation programs
-Building entrepreneurial mind for university students
-Training for tech business beginners such as business plan making, etc.
-Incubating Tech startups
3) Research and Business Development (R&BD) programs
-Outside-in approach: Matching technology needs of private sector with university researchers
-Inside-out approach: Developing university research to be ready for commercialization
4) Business matching and funding support
-Sourcing funding agencies for research and development support
-Enhancing networks cooperation and business matching
5) Office spaces for innovative business and tech startups
-Spaces for entrepreneurs and agents in innovation ecosystem, including spaces for university students who are keen on being entrepreneurs
-Auditorium, meeting room, exhibition space, and multipurpose room
-NSP Inno Store: market testing shelf for products from NSP services
6) Essential supporting facilities, Innovation Ecosystem and life style for 24/7 working
-NSP Food Hall, Café, Bistro, Convenient store, Exercise area, etc.